Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday- November 6th. Be sure to set your clocks back one hour, if you’re located in a state that observes DST.
Some fun facts about Daylight Saving Time:
-All states in the US observe Daylight Saving Time except Hawaii and most of Arizona.
-Many countries observe Daylight Saving Time, but with beginning and end dates different from those in the US.
-A study published in 2007 concluded that implementing DST significantly reduced the number of car crashes involving pedestrians by as much as 10%.
-There is a law by which we turn our clocks forward in the spring and back in the fall: The Uniform Time Act of 1966. The law doesn’t mandate that Americans have to observe DST, but that if they do, they must do it in a uniform manner.
-The National Fire Protection Association recommends checking the battery on your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors twice a year. Coordinate this task with Daylight Saving Time, to make it easy to remember!