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A clear, open line of communication is important for any business, no matter what industry they’re in. For manufacturers, however, ensuring that non-desk workers are aware of their current tasks, inventory updates, safety requirements, and other aspects of their day-to-day responsibilities is more than just a matter of communication–it’s a matter of safety. Manufacturing corporate…
Whether you have been employing digital signage for corporate communications for some time or you are just now deploying a demo of this technology, it is important to measure the effectiveness of this communication delivery system for your company. Based on our industry insights, we have created some sample survey questions to measure this effectiveness.…
If you’ve worked remotely at any point in the past few months, then you have undoubtedly experienced a Zoom mishap or two. Did a coworker forget to mute herself and say something snarky? Did your boss neglect to turn off his video before heading into the bathroom? Zoom, for all of its (usual) convenience, certainly…
Everyone seems to be talking about Slack nowadays, and now that you have a remote job, you find yourself in the midst of the conversation. It’s not surprising Slack has grown in popularity. Countless companies have been forced to work remotely in the past year, and an increasing number of organizations are inherently remote to…
The usage of Microsoft Teams has spiked since the start of the pandemic, with 145 million people now using it for communication every day. If your company is one of the more than 500,000 companies already using Microsoft Teams, it has probably become your central hub for communication and collaboration. But are you utilizing it…
Connecting your laptop to a screen can be more anxiety-inducing than it should be. It can be very confusing with everything from traditional USB and HDMI to MiniDisplay and Thunderbolt 3 ports on laptops. When this happens before an important meeting, it’s awkward. You have to spend time untangling cords, wasting precious minutes, before you…
You’ve probably walked past it in your office: a stock market graph on a big-screen, informing the finance department and your company’s higher-ups about what financial decisions they need to make. To them, stock charts are keys to understanding the stock market’s ebbs and flows and indicators of how well the company (and its competitors)…
By Matt Buchanan, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer at Service Direct. While most of us have been working remotely for a while now, it can sometimes still be difficult to be productive. In our second post in our work from home series, guest blogger Matt Buchanan, Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer at Service Direct, provides…
What’s the secret to avoiding a presentation that seems to drone on? Don’t take the easy way! When it’s your turn to make a presentation, take advantage of all the features slide platforms offer. Put in the work to make your presentation more engaging and you audience will thank you. That work doesn’t have to…
Have you finally cut ties with your cable provider? At Enplug we work with TV screens everyday, but most of us don’t have cable. It’s been a long time coming; cable TV costs an average of $85 per month, so you can save a lot of money paying a couple streaming services. Between Netflix, Hulu,…
Updated January 2021. How you communicate a message is as important as the message itself. When it comes to internal communications, this certainly holds true. Company culture can give your organization a major strategic advantage in these changing times. But what your culture consists of – goals, values, and practices – must be effectively transmitted…
You know that lonely TV sitting in the corner of your office? Your company uses it for training videos now and then — maybe playing the news for background noise — but you cannot help but think, we could use it for so much more. You’re 100% correct. Why waste a perfectly good television’s potential…
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