Shoppers have two options when it comes to browsing and buying. They can go online and use an ecommerce platform or they can visit a brick-and-mortar store. If brick-and-mortar retailers want to compete with the more-popular-than-ever option of online shopping, they are going to need to focus on creating unique and exceptional in-store experiences that keep shoppers coming in.
This means businesses must build locations where shoppers want to spend time. Paying attention to all of the details of the in-store experience from the colors on the walls to the product displays to the overhead music playlist is key.
The music in a retail location plays a big role in the in-store shopping experience. It speaks volumes about a brand, sets the tone, and even has a direct impact on the psychology and habits of shoppers.
According to sound expert Julian Treasure, the wrong retail soundscape can send 30% of shoppers right back out the door, and studies have found that the right music in a retail store can impact purchasing decisions and shopping time.
It might be background music, but the sounds you cast in your store have a big impact on the performance of your business. Be sure not to overlook this important element of your retail store, and use these considerations to make sure your overhead music playlist is set to create an enticing and exciting experience in your store.
What Genre and Sound Best Connects to Your Target Customer?
When deciding on music for your business, it may seem like choosing the music you prefer is best.
But don’t fall into that trap.
The number one consideration when selecting music for your brick-and-mortar store is the customer. You need to pick a genre or style of music that best connects with your target customer’s preferences. Customers will stick around and return to your store more often when they hear music that they enjoy and recognize.
Does Your Client Base Change Throughout the Day?
If your customer base is varied or changes throughout the day, you may want to consider having multiple playlists.
For example, if you own a shop in the mall, you may want to play music that caters to an older crowd during the day, and music that is more suited for younger, school-age teenagers in the evening.
It’s important to remember not to veer too far from what your target customer wants to hear.
What Tempo and Volume Best Suit The Shopping Experience You Are Trying to Create?
The tempo and rhythm of the music in your store have a large impact on customers during their shopping experience.
Customers will spend more time browsing and shopping through a store that has calmer music with a lower tempo. On the other hand, if you play loud, upbeat music with a fast tempo, shoppers will browse through your store much faster, even though they will still spend as much money.
Consider the shopping experience you want your create and align your music tempo and rhythm around that.
How Will Your Overhead Music Playlist Choice Impact Your Employees?
It’s easy to get caught up in considerations that relate to your customers. But you also need to think about your employees.
It isn’t uncommon for your employees to listen to the music in your store for up to eight hours, and that repetitive playlist may affect your business more than you think.
The music your employees listen to all day affects their mood. Their mood affects the way they treat your customers. So the playlists you choose and the variety you include in that playlist can actually impact customer service in your business.
Think about you employees while developing your overhead music playlist. Create a playlist that is varied enough that the same song won’t repeat itself multiple times during each shift. Try to set it so that a song will only play once or twice during an eight hour period. Holiday playlists in particular can become grating if there isn’t enough variety.
Am I Following the Legal Rules for My Overhead Music Playlist?
It may seem like you should just be able to hook up your iPod or turn on a Pandora station and solve your in-store music need. But you may be surprised about how legalities play into what you can or cannot play in your store.
Licensing laws put restrictions on the music that you are allowed to stream in your store.
Before you use a service, carefully review their terms and conditions or contact them directly to find out if you are legally allowed to stream their music in your store.
You may also want to find a service that offers streaming without advertisements. When you use a third-party platform that incorporates advertisements, it will distract from the shopping experience in your store. You also run the risk of airing ads for competing products and brands.
The best way to solve both of these problems is to work with an overhead music provider who can provide a service that is 100% legal and void of any their-party advertisements.
With a provider like Spectrio, you can control all of your overhead music from the songs you play and the time you play them to the advertisements you include (restricting competitors’ ads and adding in your own).
You can also gain peace of mind as you can be sure that you are meeting all of the legal requirements while streaming music from top artists and musicians.
Are you ready to start creating an exceptional and special shopping experience in your store? Schedule a demo with Spectrio today to see what our overhead music solutions can do for your business!