ID-10071074Background music is a great sales tool. It can encourage customers to stick around longer, spend more money, reduce perceived wait times, and more! Check out this article from Business Insider for some interesting statistics on the effects of background music. And when you add interspersed marketing or advertisements to background music, the return can be even better!

But there’s something else background music can do that’s not sales-related. It’s a little more touchy-feely, and a little less “concrete.” It’s about making your customers feel comfortable when they visit, setting a mood and creating a feeling. After all, you want your customers to be happy they’ve chosen to spend their valuable time (and money!) at your establishment…so happy that they can’t wait to come back, and they tell everyone they know about how wonderful it is.

You can’t just pipe in any old background music, however. And you certainly can’t just play the radio or a CD overhead because of licensing requirements. You have to figure out who your customers are and what they like. You also have to determine what type of image you want your business to portray, and how you want customers to feel about your company.

It can be challenging to make sure you’re getting the right combination of music for your specific clientele and your company’s goals. Here’s where Spectrio comes in!

For years, we’ve been working with businesses in all types of industries to help them make the most of their marketing budgets. We’re able to help determine what type of playlist will work best for your establishment, and create the mood your customers will enjoy. Best of all, we take care of all the licensing so you don’t need to worry about anyone from ASCAP or BMI knocking on your door to demand you pay for a license to play the background music in your space.

Contact us today for more information!


Image courtesy of imagerymajestic /