Let’s face it – the buying process can be fun. That’s why businesses prosper. Sometimes consumer spending isn’t always prompted by need, however. Research from academia to Wall Street has shown that the moods and feelings of shoppers can be both improved or lowered, depending on circumstances.
For retailers, the act of shopping is the art of subtle, yet effective persuasion. Many factors influence a consumer’s mood and how and what they buy. However, much of your success is decided by the types and quality of visual, audial and even aromatic cues. When marketing any products or services, it’s vital to consider all the senses consumers use when shopping. Very often, what you provide in the way of enticement can influence the moods of your customers. Sound, smell and texture are all valuable psychological tools when it comes to operating a successful business.
General Influences
The overall mood and atmosphere of your store can affect how buyers behave, including which product they purchase, how many or if they buy anything at all. The factors not only include the physical appearance of your location – they also include physical, social and even time factors. Everything can cause or change the reason for a buyer’s purchase and his or her mood. Everyone has undoubtedly been affected by one or all of these factors at some point. Business owners have historically tried to create the most positive shopping moods in their locations.
Retail Site Ambience
When a customer is hurried or the store is crowded, it can change the way they absorb information – from music, digital messages or even product availability. They might not have the time to consider all shopping options and brand alternatives. Overhead or point-of-purchase displays can attract attention to a brand and produce a greater likelihood of purchasing that brand. For example, an end-of-aisle display featuring a certain brand or product will increase or decrease potential purchases more than normal in-store sales techniques.
Colors mean different things to different cultures, so it’s important to research and learn a full understanding of colors and their meanings. In businesses, colors affect the moods of customers and in most cases, they aren’t aware of this. For example, red is often used as an energy color and blue offers a more calming effect.
As a business owner, you know that if your shop or store smells bad, customers won’t shop long. Scent has always been a powerful attraction to consumers, especially when influencing seasonal purchases such as spring, fall and the winter holidays. On the other hand, pleasant odors can lead them to prolong their stay.
Humans are more likely to remember an aroma than something touched or seen, so it’s logical to use that power to help put customers in a buying mood.
Next to scents, music has a very powerful effect on each customer’s mood. While a soothing, slow tempo relaxes your customers, causing them to linger longer, faster tempos can help influence a more rapid turnover time. It’s not about speed, however. Your choice in music must reflect the overall theme and mood of your business.
While not all business owners can control or expand their stores, customer flow and tempo can have a definite effect on the mood of a consumer. The busier or more overwhelming a store is, the more likely your customers might feel oppressed or confined. Inconvenience will contribute to them feeling unhappy in the environment and may lead them to looking for another way to make their shopping decisions.
Beneficial Digital Influences
Despite preparing the best planned lists, most shoppers are likely to buy products based on how they feel as well as what they need. When consumers feel contentment, they’re more inclined to spend more time and money in a store.
When it comes to employing digital influences, especially audio and visual mediums, the initial and possibly most vital moments of customer interactions can vary significantly, especially depending on your advertising priorities. The first and best time to influence a customer is when he or she first comes through your front door. It’s when consumers are not only looking for necessities, but inspiration.
Elevating the experience of your customers should be the goal of any business owner. Despite the increase in online shopping outlets, most people still prefer to do their shopping in a store. Taking advantage of the technological capabilities supplied by the professionals at Retail Radio can quickly improve the first impression your business makes on consumers.
Being able to make your brand, products and services immediately visible to consumers can enhance and encourage their shopping experience. A professionally arranged system of interactive digital advertising, along with the right music and scents can create an inviting and comfortable location that not only drives but improves the mood of your customers.