couple looking at phone at a store

Retail digital signage has become one of the most popular technologies that stores are implementing today. From improving customer engagement to driving more foot traffic into stores, savvy businesses are reaping the benefits of retail digital signage.

In May, International Data Corp forecasted that retail digital signage will grow to $27.5 billion by 2018 from $6 billion 2013. This 35.7% 5-year CAGR reflects the overall movement across markets to increase digital experiences.

Here, we summarize the key benefits of retail digital signage:

Drive Traffic into the Store

Retail stores place digital signs outside of the entrance or in the storefront window to attract eyeballs. In a FedEx study, 76% of consumers were drawn to enter a store because of its sign. 68% were inclined to purchase products or services because a sign caught their eye. 68% of customers also believe that a store’s sign is a reliable indicator of the company’s products and services. Proper signage influences consumer behavior and views of the business. We’ve seen our customers use digital signs to reflect that their business is modern, trendy, and tech-savvy.

Broke Bikes retail store uses digital signage powered by Enplug software in their storefront.
Broke Bikes retail store uses digital signage powered by Enplug software in their storefront.

Save Printing Costs

Printing new posters and paper signs to update on the latest trends can cost each retail location thousands of dollars each month, not including the hours required to replace the posters. By using digital signage software, businesses can instantly change the special deals and features in each store location. Fleurish, a trendy flower store, uses Enplug’s dashboard to easily update the content on the displays in their multiple locations.

Fleurish Brentwood retail digital signage
Fleurish placed an Enplug-powered display next to their check-out counter.


Stores can create an immersive brand experience and emphasize the brand values with digital signage. Strategically placed retail digital signage around high dwell-time areas of the store can be used to entertain customers.

Alaska Brewing features an Enplug-powered digital display where customers are waiting in line.
Alaska Brewing features an Enplug-powered digital display where customers are waiting in line. The display shows the brewery’s fans Tweeting about the brand.

Engage Customers

Intel conducted a three-month study that showed digital signs captured 400% more views than static signs. Retailer digital signage now leverages the power and network effect of social media by encouraging customers to Tweet or post Instagram photos of their experience. On average, Enplug-powered displays have increased stores’ social media interactions with customers by 500%.

bmw retail digital signage
BMW dealerships’ digital signage showcases social media posts by happy customers

Click here to learn more about how Enplug can improve your retail store.