We hear this question more often than one would expect! In addition to our large multi-location clients, we work with many small (and we do mean small!) companies that handle their business via store-bought office phones.
This is a cost-effective solution for very small businesses that don’t need a fancy phone system. A couple of lines will do just fine, as long as someone is available to answer them and callers are not getting a busy signal.
However, if employees are frequently on the road, or if the company consists of only one or two employees, they may choose to use cell phones for business calls. Here’s where the requests come in for hold music on a cell phone!
- “I use my cell phone for my business calls and I want my callers to think they’re working with a big company instead of just a one-person operation.”
- “I’m on the road a lot but I don’t want my clients to know I’m not in the office.”
- “I want my caller experience to be consistent – whether they’re reaching me via office or my cell phone.”
While we are technically unable to put hold music directly onto a cell phone, there IS a way to have this feature and many other functions of an expensive phone system, using a cloud-based phone setup and a simple application on your smartphone.
Whether you work on your cell phone exclusively, or you need an office phone (or phones) in addition to cell access, there are many ways to configure a cloud-based phone system to meet your exact needs.
Want to learn more about putting hold music on a cell phone? Give us a ring at 800-584-4653 or contact us here!
Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net